Norwood Day Prayers/Update
Gabriella will have her Norwood Procedure done on March 7th, 2023. When I woke up on this day I prayed the following prayers...
-I ask that you would calm Gabriella’s heart and mind and allow her to rest in your faithful love.
-As she’s wheeled back to the operating room give our baby courage that your presence will be felt right there next to her.
-May we know that your spirit goes with her and that your power will be with the surgeons as they operate.
-Give the surgeon the skilled hands and eyes to operate and I ask that you give guidance and wisdom over every person in the operating room.
-Cover our precious child with love and protection, clothe her in grace and hope.
-I pray for grace and mercy over any pain that may come during this time or afterward.
We put our trust in you and await the hope of Christ to arise in her as she recovers. Amen.
Post Surgery Update:
After a long 7.5 hours we were finally taken back to our baby girl We have knocked another big milestone off the list in making it through the “Norwood Procedure”.
Dr. Jaggers reassured us that surgery went according to plan and they didn’t find any unforeseen surprises. They are watching some of her bleeding and expect the next 12 hours to go up and down but are hopeful they can close her up in a couple days. We have WON THIS DAY and will keep fighting. We will win the day tomorrow and beyond!! The next 48 hours are critical to make sure there is no infection and that her newly mended heart is working to its full capabilities!! One breath at a time, one day at a time will continue to be our mantra.
If anything we were reminded today of how good our God is. Nahum 1:7 says, “The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”
We will never be able to extend our thanks and gratitude enough to all of you who took time to lift our daughter up in prayer today. Extremely humbled and forever touched…THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.

- Corey & Kayleen
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