Swallow Study Done!
I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, it’s the little wins that get you through the day here. I was soooo happy we got to move to the couch today and watch her lay and kick and enjoy the natural light. Some sense of freedom is good for the soul. Gabby also passed her swallow study today (don’t mind the blue on her face!) I was so sad to watch her go through another uncomfortable trial, but was dang proud of her for pushing through it! She really is a tough little thang! I am just glad to have it done with and have a better feeding plan ready to test out!
Her left vocal chord is "Intermittently Hypo-mobile". This means her vocal chord is a little sluggish when she swallows. She can safely continue to try breastfeeding and taking a bottle only if she is laying on her right side. The goal now is to have her try and breast feed and taking a bottle every three hours. Her bottles will be supplemented with formula to increase her caloric amount. Heart babies work so much harder to eat they have to have supplemented calories. If she breast feeds for more than 15 minutes they will only give her half her feed through her NG tube, whatever amount she doesn't finish in her bottle they will also put in her NG tube.

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